
8 Movie Reviews

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Happy 20th Anniversary.

I know I am late but I love this is fever dream character I wish there is a movie on the big screen I would watch it in a heart beat.

I don’t blame Rabbits are pretty good.

How to catch a Yoda.

I am huge fan of Foamy.

I can't believe he has been doing this for 22 years since the 2000 was a baby around that time.

I wasn't sure I watch his video when I was a child but I adore these characters.

To be honest if there's still retro movie theaters that still play 60s and movies.

I hope I get a discount on movies because I watch these movies along side with my parents and I would like to watch on a big screen please.

free popcorn hell yes you can pay me with low payment anytime this how you get workers in your business.

The days where people can take a fucking joke.

If you are best friend with someone or talking to people on stage in 2022 you can't make a joke about them or about their family or about their wife. Why? Is because when people are offended by your jokes now they take out a gun and shoot you.

In 2000 to 2008 we would just laugh and take the joke we need laughter in our life.

Comedy would save us from bullshit war, bullshit memes and the stress in our life just fucking laugh already.

R.I.P Gilbert.

I love this joke.

Jokes on the side. I find the whole console war in real life is the dumbest shit I ever seen on the internet. To be honest we all can agree that old consoles are the best... since you don't have to pay membership to play on your wifi to play online games.

Xbox 360 started with that shit and now everyone is doing it which should be against the law because you are just giving these companies free money and I wish we van go back to that (that we don't have have membership to play on our wifi) since consoles are expensive now and they sale games that aren't finished or glitching all the time for 70 dollars while we pay our wifi in the hundreds to keep it on.

I am me rambling like this makes me part of it but at least I have facts to back it up instead of bullcrap that makes no sense.

This was funny as hell, I love it.

It's a great thing that Newgrounds sense humor didn't died out like Youtube and Facebook all the humor really is are memes.

What a world we live in that kind of humor lame.

I can watch this all day and it would never get old.

I laugh so hard because of it and I want to watch it again.

It's suck that flash is dead. But a HMTL 5 Raven would have better artstyle and better porn animation.



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